Privacy Preserving Homomorphic Linear Regression

Problem Setup

This example, based on the homomorpheR package, was communicated to me by Kee Siong Ng.

  • FIU holds the response vector y
  • RE1 holds the data x[, 1:3]
  • RE2 RE2 holds the data x[,4]

Together, they want to learn a linear model to predict y using x but in such a way that

  • nobody sees each other’s data,
  • RE1 holds the coefficients for the variables it holds, which is not visible to others
  • RE2 holds the coefficients for the variables it holds, which is not visible to others
  • Prediction of a new instance requires the collaboration of RE1 and RE2

FIU first generates a public-private key pair using the Paillier scheme. The public key is used by RE1 and RE2 to encrypt their data and do the computations. The private key is visible only to FIU and is used by the FIU to decrypt data sent from the REs.

A Synthetic Data Set

n <- 50
x1 = 11:(10+n)
x2 = runif(n,5,95)
x3 = rbinom(n,1,0.5)

x = data.frame(x1,x2,x3)
x = scale(x)
x = data.frame(1,x)    # the intercept is handled using a column of 1's

sigma = 1.4
eps = rnorm(x1, 0, sigma)  # generate noise vector

b = c(17, -2.5, 0.5,-5.2)   # the real model coefficient

y = b[1] + b[2] * x[,2] + b[3] * x[,3] + b[4] * x[,4] + scale(eps)  # target variable

Batch Gradient Descent

This example uses a batch gradient descent algorithm for fitting the model.

lm_sgd <- function(iter, rate) {
  theta = c(0,0,0,0)
  alpha = rate
  for (iter in 1:iter) {
     adj = c(0,0,0,0)
     for (i in 1:4) {
         for (j in 1:n) {
             adj[i] = adj[i] + (sum(x[j,] * theta) - y[j]) * x[j,i]
         # theta[i] = theta[i] - (alpha / n) * adj[i]         # adjust as we go is faster
     for (i in 1:4) theta[i] = theta[i] - (alpha / n) * adj[i]

As a check, we can run 100 iterations to see if it works.

lm_sgd(100, 0.1)
## [1] -850.00000  118.25073  -48.15952  255.53613
## [1] -765.00000  106.44608  -40.56685  230.69506
## [1] -688.50000   95.87435  -34.00341  208.27524
## [1] -619.65000   86.40182  -28.33898  188.04018
## [1] -557.68500   77.90971  -23.45922  169.77652
## [1] -501.91650   70.29246  -19.26379  153.29177
## [1] -451.72485   63.45623  -15.66464  138.41227
## [1] -406.55236   57.31756  -12.58456  124.98134
## [1] -365.897128   51.802222   -9.955889  112.857635
## [1] -329.307416   46.844136   -7.719341  101.913607
## [1] -296.376674   42.384486   -5.823009   92.034188
## [1] -266.739007   38.370887   -4.221473   83.115553
## [1] -240.065106   34.756662   -2.875014   75.064024
## [1] -216.058595   31.500205   -1.748921   67.795075
## [1] -194.4527359   28.5644164   -0.8128824   61.2324350
## [1] -175.00746228   25.91619578   -0.04044792   55.30728536
## [1] -157.5067161   23.5260007    0.5914422   49.9575257
## [1] -141.756044   21.367451    1.102875   45.127119
## [1] -127.580440   19.416979    1.511329   40.765499
## [1] -114.82240   17.65352    1.83200   36.82703
## [1] -103.340156   16.058238    2.078083   33.270540
## [1] -93.006141  14.614279   2.261018  30.058861
## [1] -83.705527  13.306556   2.390715  27.158457
## [1] -75.334974  12.121558   2.475744  24.539060
## [1] -67.801477  11.047176   2.523503  22.173354
## [1] -61.021329  10.072556   2.540369  20.036686
## [1] -54.919196   9.187959   2.531827  18.106804
## [1] -49.427276   8.384644   2.502583  16.363624
## [1] -44.484549   7.654762   2.456670  14.789019
## [1] -40.03609   6.99126   2.39753  13.36663
## [1] -36.032485   6.387795   2.328094  12.081678
## [1] -32.429236   5.838664   2.250848  10.920840
## [1] -29.186312   5.338731   2.167895   9.872079
## [1] -26.267681   4.883371   2.081003   8.924531
## [1] -23.640913   4.468418   1.991654   8.068388
## [1] -21.276822   4.090112   1.901081   7.294797
## [1] -19.149140   3.745065   1.810302   6.595763
## [1] -17.234226   3.430215   1.720152   5.964070
## [1] -15.510803   3.142798   1.631309   5.393203
## [1] -13.959723   2.880316   1.544314   4.877278
## [1] -12.563751   2.640510   1.459595   4.410983
## [1] -11.307375   2.421334   1.377482   3.989522
## [1] -10.176638   2.220940   1.298221   3.608564
## [1] -9.158974  2.037649  1.221988  3.264197
## [1] -8.243077  1.869943  1.148902  2.952890
## [1] -7.418769  1.716444  1.079031  2.671454
## [1] -6.676892  1.575901  1.012403  2.417006
## [1] -6.0092029  1.4471792  0.9490125  2.1869464
## [1] -5.4082826  1.3292482  0.8888269  1.9789246
## [1] -4.8674544  1.2211708  0.8317909  1.7908184
## [1] -4.3807089  1.1220949  0.7778318  1.6207107
## [1] -3.9426380  1.0312455  0.7268632  1.4668697
## [1] -3.5483742  0.9479173  0.6787881  1.3277312
## [1] -3.1935368  0.8714678  0.6335017  1.2018819
## [1] -2.8741831  0.8013118  0.5908941  1.0880452
## [1] -2.5867648  0.7369158  0.5508516  0.9850675
## [1] -2.3280883  0.6777935  0.5132589  0.8919069
## [1] -2.0952795  0.6235009  0.4780000  0.8076216
## [1] -1.8857515  0.5736331  0.4449597  0.7313608
## [1] -1.6971764  0.5278201  0.4140243  0.6623556
## [1] -1.5274588  0.4857242  0.3850822  0.5999113
## [1] -1.3747129  0.4470366  0.3580247  0.5434000
## [1] -1.2372416  0.4114750  0.3327464  0.4922543
## [1] -1.1135174  0.3787814  0.3091455  0.4459611
## [1] -1.0021657  0.3487196  0.2871238  0.4040570
## [1] -0.9019491  0.3210735  0.2665872  0.3661229
## [1] -0.8117542  0.2956452  0.2474459  0.3317800
## [1] -0.7305788  0.2722535  0.2296140  0.3006858
## [1] -0.6575209  0.2507324  0.2130098  0.2725309
## [1] -0.5917688  0.2309298  0.1975557  0.2470353
## [1] -0.5325919  0.2127064  0.1831780  0.2239459
## [1] -0.4793327  0.1959341  0.1698071  0.2030339
## [1] -0.4313995  0.1804958  0.1573774  0.1840924
## [1] -0.3882595  0.1662839  0.1458265  0.1669341
## [1] -0.3494336  0.1531997  0.1350962  0.1513900
## [1] -0.3144902  0.1411526  0.1251312  0.1373069
## [1] -0.2830412  0.1300593  0.1158799  0.1245464
## [1] -0.2547371  0.1198436  0.1072936  0.1129831
## [1] -0.22926336  0.11043512  0.09932677  0.10250396
## [1] -0.20633703  0.10176956  0.09193665  0.09300629
## [1] -0.18570333  0.09378764  0.08508322  0.08439743
## [1] -0.16713299  0.08643494  0.07872903  0.07659346
## [1] -0.15041969  0.07966142  0.07283905  0.06951846
## [1] -0.13537772  0.07342108  0.06738056  0.06310371
## [1] -0.12183995  0.06767163  0.06232300  0.05728705
## [1] -0.10965596  0.06237417  0.05763786  0.05201218
## [1] -0.09869036  0.05749292  0.05329854  0.04722818
## [1] -0.08882132  0.05299496  0.04928024  0.04288892
## [1] -0.07993919  0.04885001  0.04555986  0.03895267
## [1] -0.07194527  0.04503021  0.04211588  0.03538164
## [1] -0.06475075  0.04150991  0.03892827  0.03214160
## [1] -0.05827567  0.03826550  0.03597840  0.02920157
## [1] -0.05244810  0.03527528  0.03324894  0.02653350
## [1] -0.04720329  0.03251922  0.03072377  0.02411196
## [1] -0.04248296  0.02997891  0.02838790  0.02191395
## [1] -0.03823467  0.02763741  0.02622744  0.01991862
## [1] -0.03441120  0.02547910  0.02422945  0.01810708
## [1] -0.03097008  0.02348958  0.02238193  0.01646223
## [1] -0.02787307  0.02165563  0.02067374  0.01496856
## [1] -0.02508577  0.01996504  0.01909455  0.01361203
## [1] 16.9995485 -2.4880167  0.3689761 -5.2744076

Some Tools

Some tools are needed for performing computations using real numbers. Encryption schemes all work on large integers.


keypair = PaillierKeyPair$new(modulusBits = 1024)
pubkey = keypair$pubkey
privkey = keypair$getPrivateKey()

# Convenience function
zipf = function(x1,x2,x3) {
  res = c()
  for (i in 1:length(x1)) res = c(res,x1[i],x2[i],x3[i])

# zipf(5,10,1)
# zipf(c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6), c(1,1,1))

# Paillier is defined only on positive integers.
# We approximate a floating point number X by 3 integers (a,b,c)
# such that X is approximately equal to (a + b/largenum) / 10^c
# Example: Assuming largenum = 2^10, 5.2 can be represented by
#  (5, 204, 0) = (5 + 204/1024) / 1 = 5.19922
#  or (50, 2040, 1) = (50 + 2040/1024) / 10 = 5.19922
# In general, the larger largenum is, the better the approximation.

largenum = 2^50
encodeFloat = function(x, e=0) {
  x = x * 10^e
  x1 = floor(x)
  x2 = x - x1
  x2 = floor(x2 * largenum)
  exps = rep(e, length(x))

# encodeFloat(5.2)
# encodeFloat(5.2, 2)
# encodeFloat(c(4.5,5.2,7), 1)

# Some useful constants
zero = pubkey$encrypt('0')
one = pubkey$encrypt('1')

# We encrypt each number (a,b,c) by encrypting a and b with the public key
# The input can be a vector of numbers

encrypt = function(z, e=0) {
  y = encodeFloat(z, e)
  res = rep(zero, length(y))
  for (i in 1:length(y)) {
      if (i %% 3 == 0) { res[i] = y[i] }
      else { res[i] = pubkey$encrypt(as.character(y[i])) }

# We decrypt each encrypted number (enc(a), enc(b),c) using the private key
# by computing (dec(enc(a)) + dec(enc(b))/largenum) / 10^c
# The input can be a vector of numbers.
# We need to deal with negative numbers too.

decrypt = function(en) {
  uen = en
  for (i in 1:length(uen)) {
      if (i %% 3 != 0) uen[i] = privkey$decrypt(en[i])
  # deal with negative results;
  # see
  for (i in 1:length(uen)) {
    if (i %% 3 != 0 &&    # don't process exponents
        uen[i] >= as.double(pubkey$n/3.0)) { uen[i] = uen[i] - pubkey$n }
  res = c()
  for (i in seq(1, length(uen), 3)) {
      res = c(res,
             (as.double(uen[i]) + as.double(uen[i+1]/(largenum))) / as.double(10^uen[i+2]))

# decrypt(encrypt(4.7))
# decrypt(encrypt(0.5))
# decrypt(encrypt(-2.3))
# (z = encrypt(c(5.2,4.7,-2.6)))
# decrypt(z)

# We next define addition of two encrypted numbers: (enc(a1), enc(b1), c1) and (enc(a2), enc(b2), c2).
# Addition can be done on the encrypted a's and encrypted b's if c1 = c2. We make c1 = c2 true by
# multiplying by powers of 10 when necessary.
# The need to make c1 = c2 is the reason why we can't have c1 and c2 encrypted.
# The function works on vectors.

addenc = function(x, y) {
  res = x
  for (i in seq(1, length(x), 3)) {
       if (x[i+2] != y[i+2]) {  # if different exponent, make the exponents equal by multiplying
          res[i+2] = max(x[i+2], y[i+2])
          xdiff = res[i+2] - x[i+2]
          ydiff = res[i+2] - y[i+2]
          if (xdiff > 0) {
              x[i] = pubkey$mult(x[i], 10^(xdiff))
              x[i+1] = pubkey$mult(x[i+1], 10^(xdiff))
          if (ydiff > 0) {
              y[i] = pubkey$mult(y[i], 10^(ydiff))
              y[i+1] = pubkey$mult(y[i+1], 10^(ydiff))
       res[i] = pubkey$add(x[i], y[i])
       # print(privkey$decrypt(c(x[i], y[i], res[i])))
       res[i+1] = pubkey$add(x[i+1], y[i+1])

# We next define subtraction of two encrypted numbers: (enc(a1), enc(b1), c1) and (enc(a2), enc(b2), c2).
# We simply multiply the second encrypted number by -1 and then add it to the first encrypted number.

subenc = function(x, y) {
  for (i in seq(1, length(x), 3)) {
      # y[i:i+1] = pubkey$mult(y[i:i+1], -1)  # this doesn't work, why?
      y[i] = pubkey$mult(y[i], -1)
      y[i+1] = pubkey$mult(y[i+1], -1)
  addenc(x, y)

# We next define the multiplication of an encrypted number en = (enc(a),enc(b),c) by a scalar y
# Again, Paillier only allows y to be an integer. To deal with floating point numbers, we use
# en * y = en * (y_int + y_frac)
#        = en * y_int + (enc(a) * floor(y_frac * 10^n), enc(b) * floor(y_frac * 10^n), n)
# where n is a parameter with larger n leading to better approximation. We use n = 3 below.

smultenc = function(x,y) {
  yint = floor(y * 1000)
  res = x
  for (i in seq(1, length(x), 3)) {
      res[i] = pubkey$mult(x[i], yint)
      res[i+1] = pubkey$mult(x[i+1], yint)
      res[i+2] =  x[i+2] + 3

# Here are some test cases
# five = encrypt(5.4)
# ten = encrypt(10.2)
# five
# ten
# decrypt(addenc(five,ten))
# decrypt(subenc(ten,five))
# decrypt(subenc(five,ten))
# decrypt(addenc(c(five,ten), c(ten,ten)))
# five = encrypt(5.4,1)
# ten = encrypt(10.2,2)
# decrypt(addenc(five,ten))
# decrypt(subenc(ten,five))
# decrypt(addenc(c(five,ten), c(ten,ten)))
# decrypt(smultenc(five, 4))
# decrypt(smultenc(ten, 6))
# decrypt(smultenc(c(five,ten), 4))
# decrypt(smultenc(c(five,ten), -4))

Here are the functions to setup the parties in the computation.

x1 = c()  # these 3 vectors belong to RE1
x2 = c()
x3 = c()

re1setup = function() {
  x1 <<- encrypt(x[,1])
  x2 <<- encrypt(x[,2])
  x3 <<- encrypt(x[,3])

x4 = c() # this belong to RE2

re2setup = function() {
  x4 <<- encrypt(x[,4])

mastersetup = function() {

The function master_grad below computes the gradient: the difference between predicted values (encrypted) by REs and the true values

Note the gradient is unencrypted. We could encrypt it if necessary.

master_grad <- function(x) {
  xd = decrypt(x)
  xd - y
  # subenc(xd, y)

Function re1pred computes the partial predictions based on RE1 data only. The values are encrypted.

re1pred <- function() {
   # return (theta1 * x[,1] + theta2 * x[,2] + theta3 * x[,3])
  return (addenc(smultenc(x1, theta1),
          addenc(smultenc(x2, theta2),
                 smultenc(x3, theta3)))

RE2 takes the partial prediction of RE1 and then add its contribution to the prediction. The final prediction values are encrypted.

re2pred <- function(z) {
   # return (z + theta4 * x[,4])
  return (addenc(z, smultenc(x4, theta4)))

We need a variable to keep track of progress.

cadj = c(0,0,0,0) # a variable we want to print to keep track of progress

RE1 model update function and implements the gradient descent update formula. It takes the gradient (unencrypted) from the master and then adjust its own theta. The whole computation is assumed to take place within RE1 and no encryption is required.

re1update <- function(z) {
   theta1 <<- theta1 - (alpha / n) * sum(z * x[,1])
   theta2 <<- theta2 - (alpha / n) * sum(z * x[,2])
   theta3 <<- theta3 - (alpha / n) * sum(z * x[,3])
   cadj[1] <<- sum(z * x[,1])
   cadj[2] <<- sum(z * x[,2])
   cadj[3] <<- sum(z * x[,3])

RE2 model update function which implements the gradient descent update formula.

re2update <- function(z) {
   theta4 <<- theta4 - (alpha / n) * sum(z * x[,4])
   cadj[4] <<- sum(z * x[,4])

After all that, we can now run the privacy-preserving linear regression algorithm. The algorithm can be sensitive to the learning rate.

pp_lm_sgd <- function(iter, rate) {

  theta1 <<- 0
  theta2 <<- 0
  theta3 <<- 0
  theta4 <<- 0
  alpha <<- rate

  mastersetup()  # encrypt the data and set up communication

  for (i in 1:iter) {
      p1 = re1pred()     # partial prediction
      px = re2pred(p1)   # full prediction
      grad = master_grad(px)  # compute gradient based on difference between true values and predicted values
      re1update(grad)    # update models independently


First the standard result, not private.

model0 = lm_sgd(100, 0.1)
## [1] -850.00000  118.25073  -48.15952  255.53613
## [1] -765.00000  106.44608  -40.56685  230.69506
## [1] -688.50000   95.87435  -34.00341  208.27524
## [1] -619.65000   86.40182  -28.33898  188.04018
## [1] -557.68500   77.90971  -23.45922  169.77652
## [1] -501.91650   70.29246  -19.26379  153.29177
## [1] -451.72485   63.45623  -15.66464  138.41227
## [1] -406.55236   57.31756  -12.58456  124.98134
## [1] -365.897128   51.802222   -9.955889  112.857635
## [1] -329.307416   46.844136   -7.719341  101.913607
## [1] -296.376674   42.384486   -5.823009   92.034188
## [1] -266.739007   38.370887   -4.221473   83.115553
## [1] -240.065106   34.756662   -2.875014   75.064024
## [1] -216.058595   31.500205   -1.748921   67.795075
## [1] -194.4527359   28.5644164   -0.8128824   61.2324350
## [1] -175.00746228   25.91619578   -0.04044792   55.30728536
## [1] -157.5067161   23.5260007    0.5914422   49.9575257
## [1] -141.756044   21.367451    1.102875   45.127119
## [1] -127.580440   19.416979    1.511329   40.765499
## [1] -114.82240   17.65352    1.83200   36.82703
## [1] -103.340156   16.058238    2.078083   33.270540
## [1] -93.006141  14.614279   2.261018  30.058861
## [1] -83.705527  13.306556   2.390715  27.158457
## [1] -75.334974  12.121558   2.475744  24.539060
## [1] -67.801477  11.047176   2.523503  22.173354
## [1] -61.021329  10.072556   2.540369  20.036686
## [1] -54.919196   9.187959   2.531827  18.106804
## [1] -49.427276   8.384644   2.502583  16.363624
## [1] -44.484549   7.654762   2.456670  14.789019
## [1] -40.03609   6.99126   2.39753  13.36663
## [1] -36.032485   6.387795   2.328094  12.081678
## [1] -32.429236   5.838664   2.250848  10.920840
## [1] -29.186312   5.338731   2.167895   9.872079
## [1] -26.267681   4.883371   2.081003   8.924531
## [1] -23.640913   4.468418   1.991654   8.068388
## [1] -21.276822   4.090112   1.901081   7.294797
## [1] -19.149140   3.745065   1.810302   6.595763
## [1] -17.234226   3.430215   1.720152   5.964070
## [1] -15.510803   3.142798   1.631309   5.393203
## [1] -13.959723   2.880316   1.544314   4.877278
## [1] -12.563751   2.640510   1.459595   4.410983
## [1] -11.307375   2.421334   1.377482   3.989522
## [1] -10.176638   2.220940   1.298221   3.608564
## [1] -9.158974  2.037649  1.221988  3.264197
## [1] -8.243077  1.869943  1.148902  2.952890
## [1] -7.418769  1.716444  1.079031  2.671454
## [1] -6.676892  1.575901  1.012403  2.417006
## [1] -6.0092029  1.4471792  0.9490125  2.1869464
## [1] -5.4082826  1.3292482  0.8888269  1.9789246
## [1] -4.8674544  1.2211708  0.8317909  1.7908184
## [1] -4.3807089  1.1220949  0.7778318  1.6207107
## [1] -3.9426380  1.0312455  0.7268632  1.4668697
## [1] -3.5483742  0.9479173  0.6787881  1.3277312
## [1] -3.1935368  0.8714678  0.6335017  1.2018819
## [1] -2.8741831  0.8013118  0.5908941  1.0880452
## [1] -2.5867648  0.7369158  0.5508516  0.9850675
## [1] -2.3280883  0.6777935  0.5132589  0.8919069
## [1] -2.0952795  0.6235009  0.4780000  0.8076216
## [1] -1.8857515  0.5736331  0.4449597  0.7313608
## [1] -1.6971764  0.5278201  0.4140243  0.6623556
## [1] -1.5274588  0.4857242  0.3850822  0.5999113
## [1] -1.3747129  0.4470366  0.3580247  0.5434000
## [1] -1.2372416  0.4114750  0.3327464  0.4922543
## [1] -1.1135174  0.3787814  0.3091455  0.4459611
## [1] -1.0021657  0.3487196  0.2871238  0.4040570
## [1] -0.9019491  0.3210735  0.2665872  0.3661229
## [1] -0.8117542  0.2956452  0.2474459  0.3317800
## [1] -0.7305788  0.2722535  0.2296140  0.3006858
## [1] -0.6575209  0.2507324  0.2130098  0.2725309
## [1] -0.5917688  0.2309298  0.1975557  0.2470353
## [1] -0.5325919  0.2127064  0.1831780  0.2239459
## [1] -0.4793327  0.1959341  0.1698071  0.2030339
## [1] -0.4313995  0.1804958  0.1573774  0.1840924
## [1] -0.3882595  0.1662839  0.1458265  0.1669341
## [1] -0.3494336  0.1531997  0.1350962  0.1513900
## [1] -0.3144902  0.1411526  0.1251312  0.1373069
## [1] -0.2830412  0.1300593  0.1158799  0.1245464
## [1] -0.2547371  0.1198436  0.1072936  0.1129831
## [1] -0.22926336  0.11043512  0.09932677  0.10250396
## [1] -0.20633703  0.10176956  0.09193665  0.09300629
## [1] -0.18570333  0.09378764  0.08508322  0.08439743
## [1] -0.16713299  0.08643494  0.07872903  0.07659346
## [1] -0.15041969  0.07966142  0.07283905  0.06951846
## [1] -0.13537772  0.07342108  0.06738056  0.06310371
## [1] -0.12183995  0.06767163  0.06232300  0.05728705
## [1] -0.10965596  0.06237417  0.05763786  0.05201218
## [1] -0.09869036  0.05749292  0.05329854  0.04722818
## [1] -0.08882132  0.05299496  0.04928024  0.04288892
## [1] -0.07993919  0.04885001  0.04555986  0.03895267
## [1] -0.07194527  0.04503021  0.04211588  0.03538164
## [1] -0.06475075  0.04150991  0.03892827  0.03214160
## [1] -0.05827567  0.03826550  0.03597840  0.02920157
## [1] -0.05244810  0.03527528  0.03324894  0.02653350
## [1] -0.04720329  0.03251922  0.03072377  0.02411196
## [1] -0.04248296  0.02997891  0.02838790  0.02191395
## [1] -0.03823467  0.02763741  0.02622744  0.01991862
## [1] -0.03441120  0.02547910  0.02422945  0.01810708
## [1] -0.03097008  0.02348958  0.02238193  0.01646223
## [1] -0.02787307  0.02165563  0.02067374  0.01496856
## [1] -0.02508577  0.01996504  0.01909455  0.01361203
## [1] 16.9995485 -2.4880167  0.3689761 -5.2744076

Next the privacy preserving version.

model1 = pp_lm_sgd(100, 0.1)
## [1] -850.00000  118.25073  -48.15952  255.53613
## [1] -765.00000  106.42593  -40.57662  230.65067
## [1] -688.50000   95.84965  -34.01919  208.25028
## [1] -619.65000   86.36412  -28.35340  188.04255
## [1] -557.70000   77.90824  -23.46557  169.78133
## [1] -501.95000   70.28198  -19.26387  153.27482
## [1] -451.75000   63.43096  -15.68613  138.37614
## [1] -406.55000   57.28054  -12.57338  124.98490
## [1] -365.90000   51.79797   -9.95896  112.85871
## [1] -329.300000   46.820055   -7.713993  101.901156
## [1] -296.40000   42.39851   -5.84545   92.01288
## [1] -266.75000   38.37015   -4.22447   83.09747
## [1] -240.100000   34.747150   -2.897562   75.058168
## [1] -216.050000   31.513309   -1.764233   67.794483
## [1] -194.450000   28.573349   -0.803082   61.211135
## [1] -175.00000000   25.88772662   -0.05365162   55.31072780
## [1] -157.5000000   23.5396075    0.5668839   49.9410515
## [1] -141.750000   21.381992    1.086892   45.106184
## [1] -127.600000   19.416239    1.507618   40.757125
## [1] -114.850000   17.643709    1.830308   36.844875
## [1] -103.350000   16.067119    2.057454   33.271433
## [1] -93.000000  14.628014   2.247512  30.036914
## [1] -83.700000  13.277394   2.409937  27.142676
## [1] -75.350000  12.124074   2.478064  24.538247
## [1] -67.80000  11.06196   2.52105  22.17610
## [1] -61.05000  10.04205   2.54835  20.05759
## [1] -54.900000   9.165055   2.543546  18.082008
## [1] -49.450000   8.379268   2.513601  16.348704
## [1] -44.500000   7.637043   2.469217  14.810042
## [1] -40.050000   6.990101   2.403430  13.366661
## [1] -36.050000   6.388080   2.324449  12.068920
## [1] -32.450000   5.830982   2.232274  10.916820
## [1] -29.200000   5.359709   2.167697   9.858756
## [1] -26.250000   4.893814   2.050382   8.948938
## [1] -23.650000   4.466104   1.971365   8.085514
## [1] -21.300000   4.086035   1.881647   7.269731
## [1] -19.150000   3.741432   1.827735   6.598343
## [1] -17.250000   3.404926   1.723577   5.977201
## [1] -15.500000   3.165060   1.599262   5.402340
## [1] -13.950000   2.865379   1.532157   4.876593
## [1] -12.550000   2.662339   1.444894   4.397127
## [1] -11.300000   2.408940   1.365842   3.968020
## [1] -10.200000   2.192367   1.323842   3.634309
## [1] -9.150000  2.035608  1.224632  3.251483
## [1] -8.250000  1.866675  1.171930  2.965412
## [1] -7.400000  1.707198  1.070228  2.680587
## [1] -6.700000  1.587265  1.008071  2.393157
## [1] -6.0000000  1.4646139  0.9434214  2.2037264
## [1] -5.400000  1.343322  0.880018  1.965296
## [1] -4.8500000  1.2206703  0.8153687  1.7758657
## [1] -4.4000000  1.1362039  0.7890178  1.6328301
## [1] -3.9500000  1.0121932  0.7231227  1.4923998
## [1] -3.5500000  0.9277268  0.6967718  1.3493642
## [1] -3.2000000  0.8527161  0.6214209  1.2075746
## [1] -2.8500000  0.8172497  0.5856143  1.0631798
## [1] -2.6000000  0.7314240  0.5580175  0.9691442
## [1] -2.3500000  0.6945983  0.5209650  0.8737494
## [1] -2.1000000  0.6074133  0.4921223  0.8287139
## [1] -1.9000000  0.5705876  0.4550698  0.7333191
## [1] -1.7000000  0.5337619  0.4180173  0.6379242
## [1] -1.5000000  0.4955769  0.3797189  0.5915294
## [1] -1.3500000  0.4573920  0.3414206  0.5451346
## [1] -1.2500000  0.4097512  0.3521222  0.4974939
## [1] -1.1000000  0.3715663  0.3138238  0.4510990
## [1] -1.0000000  0.3333813  0.2755254  0.4047042
## [1] -0.9000000  0.3347406  0.2767713  0.3557042
## [1] -0.8000000  0.2951963  0.2372270  0.3583094
## [1] -0.7500000  0.2475556  0.2479286  0.3106687
## [1] -0.6500000  0.2583706  0.2001745  0.2629146
## [1] -0.6000000  0.2093706  0.2096302  0.2642739
## [1] -0.5500000  0.2201856  0.1618761  0.2165197
## [1] -0.5000000  0.2201856  0.1618761  0.2165197
## [1] -0.4500000  0.1725449  0.1725777  0.1688790
## [1] -0.4000000  0.1820006  0.1235777  0.1701249
## [1] -0.3500000  0.1330006  0.1330335  0.1714842
## [1] -0.3000000  0.1343599  0.1342793  0.1224842
## [1] -0.3000000  0.1343599  0.1342793  0.1224842
## [1] -0.25000000  0.14381561  0.08527935  0.12373010
## [1] -0.20000000  0.09617490  0.09598096  0.07608939
## [1] -0.20000000  0.09617490  0.09598096  0.07608939
## [1] -0.20000000  0.09617490  0.09598096  0.07608939
## [1] -0.15000000  0.09617490  0.09598096  0.07608939
## [1] -0.15000000  0.10563062  0.04698096  0.07733527
## [1] -0.15000000  0.05663062  0.05643668  0.07869456
## [1] -0.10000000  0.05663062  0.05643668  0.07869456
## [1] -0.10000000  0.05798991  0.05768257  0.02969456
## [1] -0.10000000  0.05798991  0.05768257  0.02969456
## [1] -0.10000000  0.05798991  0.05768257  0.02969456
## [1] -0.10000000  0.05798991  0.05768257  0.02969456
## [1] -0.05000000  0.05798991  0.05768257  0.02969456
## [1] -0.050000000  0.067445632  0.008682572  0.030940450
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] -0.05000000  0.01844563  0.01813830  0.03229974
## [1] 1.101341e-13 1.844563e-02 1.813830e-02 3.229974e-02
## [1] 1.101341e-13 1.844563e-02 1.813830e-02 3.229974e-02
## [1] 17.0001000 -2.4874175  0.3696221 -5.2740215